

Hoopers is one of the UK’s fastest-growing dog sports, offering fun for everyone regardless of ability. This agility-style sport is low impact on your dog’s joints but high on the fun scale! You and your dog will learn to navigate a course made up of hoops, barrels, and tunnels. It emphasises communication and teamwork between the handler and the dog. Training typically focus’s on teaching the dog to navigate the course and respond to cues.

Dogs of all ages and breeds are welcome, making this a very inclusive sport. We do request that puppies are at least 6 months old. Hoopers is a fantastic way to exercise your dog both mentally and physically while building a strong working relationship.

Jude and Audrey are the trainers for our Hoopers classes. Classes are on Monday night from 7pm.

For more information please call or email us 07894 993323 | info@highpeak.co.uk